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Tuesday, July 12

Another Great Wiki....

wikibooks Further to Leigh's discussion about wiki's to gain knowledge and skills, my Colleague Michael has started this wiki. Any of you who are interested in learning about html and css, this is a great place to start.

Friday, July 1

Nambucca Valley Women's Gathering

Hi everyone. It was so good to meet you all at the workshop & to learn all of these wonderful new skills. I'm completely inspired. Here is a link to the Nambucca Valley Women's Gathering blog. I've put links (additional blogs) to each town in the community which you can see on the sidebar on the blog. The idea is that one woman from each town will look after the blog (for their town) thereby (ideally) engaging the community in providing news, communicating and networking with women in their own town and throughout the community. The site aims to assist the breakdown of isolation in the community. I've contacted a few computer savvy women that I know to moderate two of the town blogs so I will post an update when they've been trained & the site is running. Many thanks to everyone, Kerry

Link: http://www.nambuccawomensgathering.blogspot.com/