NSW Outreach xchange


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Friday, August 12

2005 Statewide Outreach Workshop

As per Derek's email dated 9/8/05, by majority vote, the Outreach state-wide workshop will now be held on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 September with our pre-workshop LearnScope Blogs meeting on Tuesday, 13 September from 2-5pm (location to be advised). A draft timetable will be forwarded to you all in the next 2 weeks. Cheers Donna

Saturday, August 6

Outreach Exchange

Yet another possibility for sharing information online and keeping in touch. Blogs (weBLOGS) are like an online diary, they are hosted free, don't have to have logins, you can add comments to entries and upload pictures with a title and description simply by sending an email to a given address. This is a communication tool that has been around for a while and has become poplular in recent times. They are used as a means of sharing information. One very famous one is the following from a journalist inside Iraq http://dear_raed.blogspot.com/. This is one of a range of tools we could use to bring aobut easier communications through out NSW Outreach community

Thursday, August 4

Human history is more and more a race between education and catastrophe H G Wells 1921

Many thanks to Monica for this overview summary of the seminar she attended with Professor Candy. I found the seminar to be informative and thought provoking. Professor Candy gave a realistic perspective to the transformation of our society and learning by ICT. – Monica Clapp

Tuesday, August 2

Conference call was worth it

Look at all the acitivity!

casting the net

This is the Learnscope podcast link!