NSW Outreach xchange


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Friday, September 15

TAFE Part Time Casual Teachers Campaign

I spoke to Phil Bradey atr the Outreach conference about some of the issues relating to part time casuals and job security. He suggested that as Outreach does quite fit the mould a visit to website and some time to visit the Teachers Federation website and put forward our case for Outreach PTCT. There is a proforma letter under the Take Action heading half way down the page. This is our opportunity to contribute to the dialogue. Perhaps Outreach PTCT who are working in other sections the 19 hours required on a least a twelve week program could get Temporary itinerant positions... Outreach tempory teacher could be nominated on a partime basis...

The success of the Federations Pro Rata Case resulted in significant benefits flowing to Part Time Casuals teaching at least 10 hours per week, and the creation of many TAFE Temporary Teacher positions since July 2005.

Wednesday, September 13

Congratulations on 30 years

Watch out for our blog update to mark the anniversay of 30 years of Outreach.
