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Monday, March 19

In the words of Barbara Bee...

A few months ago I was chatting to Barbara Bee, she was recalling the events of days gone by at Granville. I asked Barbara is she would write it down as not all of us knew this history. I am pleased to say Barbara has recorded her story for us. An extract follows:

Despite all this TAFE remains my educational home and it has and still does give me the greatest satisfaction in teaching and encouraging community initiatives.

I think too that Outreach is under-appreciated and under-valued because its philosophy is at odds with user-pays. It resists the commodification of a basic human right to adult education and argues it’s never too late to learn.

So, you may be asking at this point, where’s all this preamble leading to and what has it to do with the present reorganization of TAFE women’s programs in Outreach?

Thank you Barbara


  • At 1:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great stuff Barb! U R so telling it like it is. It is good to b reminded where we come from, how we got there, and shere we don't won't to go :>)

  • At 1:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you Barbara Bee for writing this wonderful recount of past events, you are formally enscounced as an Outreach Elder.
    Take the time to read Barbara's account, some of you remember it, others of us were not in the game at the time. An excerpt follows.
    "First of all it has been heartening to see the reactions, time, effort, even passion that the proposed changes have produced from Outreachers around NSW, because, make no mistake, history has a habit of repeating itself, and we have seen a return to some of the bad old days when women’s issues were on the back burner in face of other priorities." Jude

  • At 1:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for the very inspirational message that we must not forget easily.

    This also recharge my battery to go on!
    Annie Lee

  • At 1:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks Jude for sending this on. Barbara has long been a bit of a hero of mine – I remember quoting her work in one of my Adult Education uni assignments! And it was wonderful to meet her at the Outreach teacher’s workshop at Granville TAFE in 2005. This piece is a timely gee- up to us all I think. I am printing copies for all my WOW teachers!

    Denise N


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