NSW Outreach xchange


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Friday, May 25

Grammar Linkgages...

Is that grammatically correct? Need some help with your P's n Q's? The Language Literacy blog has a series of links to usful tutorial sites.


Ubiquitous Outreach Exchange

Ubiquitous Outreach Xchange What is happening this year for Outreach practioners in their exploration of current educational debate and emerging technologies.... We have received funding for another LearnScope project and are in the process of preparing for our work shop. The project blog will be Ubiquitous Outreach Exchange where we will keep you up to date with where we have been, where we are and where we might be heading.

Wednesday, May 9

Mini posting

A couple of weeks ago i took the plunge and traded in my reliable old mobile for an updated model. To date i am pleased to say i am finding it well worth while. My phone now serves as a camera, audio recorder, mp3 player, research tool, alarm, calendar and anything internet. I feel utterly ubiquitous as i write this posting from my new appendage.