NSW Outreach xchange


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Tuesday, June 26

NSW LearnScope 2007 wiki

Its that time again folks - A Big welcome to NSW LearnScope where NSWtox has ! Head Office has been successful again and has received a 2007 LearnScope funds to implement Outreach Ubiquitious Learning project. In order to record our learning, each member of the Ubiquitious Team will create a wiki to reflect their learning throughout the project. This will happen during our workshop. Members will receive an overview and will continue to add to their journal things that you have tried and to include commentary on how you found it, whats good or not good about it etc etc. This speace will also may be the space where we look at development the Northcott bizzo hey. Anyways.......what we need you to do is click the title link here to the NSW LearnScope wiki and on the left handside scroll down and create an account. To help us identify each other instantly, can we all start our usernames with a 33, (which is NSW Outreach Ubiquitious Learning project number ok) so that when we go back to our respective workplaces "id"ing your teamates will be pronto.

Monday, June 25

Ubiquitous Outreachers Agenda

Monday 25th June

Session 1 3 – 3:45pm @ Felton Woods Katoomba

Meet and greet. Share individual goals for the project.

3:45 – 6pm

Rick Flowers (UTS) Robyn Jay (LearnScope) and Barbara Bee (Outreach Teacher). The role of ubiquitous learning, social software and free and open source software in Outreach Practice

This will be followed by dinner @ Felton Woods

Tuesday 26th June

Session 2 9 – 10:45am @ Wentworth Falls TAFE (C109)

Identify and use a range of ubiquitous tools

Session 3 11am – 12:30pm

Evaluate opportunities and limitations that come with emerging technologies, including the use of wikis and blogs according to organisational policies and guidelines.

Lunch 12:30 – 1:30pm

Session 4 1:30 – 3:00pm

Explore collaborative solutions to support Outreach Practice

Session 5 3:15 – 4:30pm

Investigate suitability of tools to support current reporting and accountability requirements in Outreach practice

This will be followed by dinner @ in Katoomba

Wednesday 27th June

Session 6 9 – 10:45am

Evaluate the effectiveness of ubiquitous tools

Session 7 11am – 12:30pm

Plan dissemination of information regarding best practice in Community Education/Outreach

Lunch 12:30 – 1:30pm Depart or bushwalk in the steps of Charles Darwin

There will be online sessions to follow up this workshop.
