NSW Outreach xchange


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Friday, January 18

Welcome Back

Welcome back to Outreach for another year of innovative Outreach practice. We have been busy at state office endeavouring to support your practice. The intranet site is being updated with information on staff, professional development, projects, resources and guidelines. We are also working on the feedback from the Outreach conference and addressing issues raised. The Equity Unit presented a response to “Doing business in the 21st century” along with many others. It is a indication of the level of commitment of TAFE NSW staff that a proposal is meet with such a response. Check out ABC podcasts for some easy listening such as the following recommended by Barbara Bee who has spent the holidays working on her PHD.
Human Rights Oration by Anne Summers: Putting Equality Back On the Agenda Equality for Women has been off the political Agenda for too long now. No human rights agenda can be complete without the inclusion of a clear commitment to the equality of women.”
"Education is the engine room of equity"
Rudd 2007