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Tuesday, February 24

Can learning outcomes be divorced from processes of learning?

This is not the first time this question has been tackled. Leesa Wheelahan's paper interrogates the role of training packages and curriculum. What effect do training packages have on students access to theoretical knowledge underpining vocational practice?
This paper argues that competency-based vocational education and training qualifications in Australia deny students access to the theoretical knowledge that underpins vocational practice, and that they result in unitary and unproblematic conceptions of work because students are not provided with the means to participate in theoretical debates shaping their field. Competency-based training (CBT) is thus a form of ‘silencing’ because it excludes students from access to the means needed to envisage alternative futures within their field.

Monday, February 9


AVETRA is Australia’s only national, independent association of researchers in vocational education and training (VET). It was established in 1997 with initial financial assistance from the Australian National Training Authority Research Advisory Council and receives support from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).
These links pages are designed to help AVETRA members and other researchers find information they need. It contains a wide range of links from both Australia and overseas