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Monday, February 11

Inclusivity Queensland Style

Inclusive Learning: A way forward has been developed by Queensland VET Development Centre, Research and Systems Support - Inclusive Learning Team.
"I present to you our plan for providing greater access to, participation in and outcomes from vocational education and training. Inclusive learning: A way forward will help enrich the VET experience and help students to build a strong skill base from which to launch successful careers."

Thursday, February 7

Design Online Learning

Design Online Learning,
templates for trades online,
tips for enhancing Accessibility,
integrate Language Literacy and Numeracy,
tools for quick quiz development (LOCO)
and more.

Date: Friday 15 February 2013
Time: 13:30 - 16:00
Venue: A105, 51 Wentworth Rd, Strathfield A105

Virtual: Adobe Connect https://webconf.det.nsw.edu.au/ehubshowcase/
RSVP: Gail Mercardo gail.mercado@det.nsw.edu.au by 4 February 2013

Wednesday, February 6

Is a job applicant's criminal history relevant to employment?

Criminal records and employment: Special Issue Employment Law Bulletin (2012) 18(8) ELBA

General Editor, 'Is a job applicant's criminal history relevant to employment? The law and employer practice in recruitment '
Bronwyn Naylor, 'Living down the past: why a criminal record should not be a barrier to successful employment'
Moira Paterson, 'Restrictions on employers' handling of criminal records information: privacy and confidentiality issues'
Marilyn Pittard, 'Discrimination law: constraints on criminal record checks in recruitment'
Georgina Heydon, 'Risk and rehabilitation in criminal records checking by employers: what employers are doing and why'

Dr Bronwyn Naylor
Associate Professor
Director LLB Program
Law Faculty Monash University
Victoria 3800 Australia
Tel: + 613 9905 3319

For some of my current research see
You can access my papers on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at http://ssrn.com/author=344540

Public confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System: 2012 update

The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has today released the report "Public confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System: 2012 update"

Link to report in pdf:
http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/Lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/vwFiles/CJB165.pdf/$file/CJB165.pdf or

Link to media release:
http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/pages/bocsar_mr_cjb165 or


The Australian Institute of Criminology has just published :
Effective community-based supervision of young offenders, by Chris Trotter

Summary : An increasing body of research suggests that some interventions with offenders can reduce reoffending. When supervisors make use of a number of specific practice skills, there is a reduced rate of recidivism for those under their supervision. This report describes the effective practice skills, then asseses the extent to which these are applied to a population of young offenders, along with the resultant effect on recidivism. The study involved the direct observation of 117 worker/client interviews conducted by juvenile justice workers in New South Wales. It also found that workers who provided a counselling role made more use of the effective practice skills than workers who did not.

Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 448 is available online from the AIC website :
http://aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/441-460/tandi448.html or http://bit.ly/11jpwnf


Summary : This study focuses on strategies adopted by Australia's Centrelink for preventing welfare fraud, in particular the impact measures of the different strategies and their antecedents. The report attempts to map the dimensions of suspected and confirmed welfare fraud in terms of numbers of offences, characteristics of offenders, financial losses, types of fraud and trends over time. It highlights that while welfare fraud remains a significant issue, there has been continuing innovation in the area of detection in the last 30 years. A review of fraud control systems also showed Centrelink to be in step with international best practice, having developed a complex array of strategies to prevent and detect fraud. The report also notes the benefits of strong primary prevention measures such as compliance reviews and education campaigns to explain payment systems to recipients and to stop frauds before they occur.

Research and Public Policy Series no.119 is available online from the AIC website :
http://aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rpp/100-120/rpp119.html or http://bit.ly/YNPUEh
by Tim Prenzler