I got this email today from Julie Regan of
Creative Coaching Options expressing her extreme delight in
Dr Vandana Shiva receiving the Sydney Peace Prize for 2010. Dr Shiva has demonstrated her dedicated commitment to the preservation of the planet as evident by her actions and leadership. She sets an excellent example to the rest of the world. Anyways, I thought I would share Julie's thoughts with you all ok as she suggests "that should we get the opportunity to see" Dr Shiva, "it will change your life".
I am very excited to hear the news that Dr Vandana Shiva, the Indian physicist and environmentalist, has been awarded the Sydney Peace Prize for 2010.
I saw this woman (Dr Shiva) speak at the 2008 International Coach Federation conference in November 2008 and she is truly inspiring and visionary. As a long time environmental activist she has worked tirelessly and fought some major battles with global companies to maintain living condition for poorer and disenfranchised people in India, including working on a global commons seed project aimed at keeping plant seeds in the common domain and not patented by the likes on Monsanto. When I saw her speak, Dr Shiva was speaking about the GFC (global financial climate) and had some insightful and damming things to say about the collapse of the global economy. She was also speaking about the role coaching had to play in creating change in the world.
Check out the announcement ......

If you would like to contact Julie Regan @ Creative Coaching Options, send her an email
julie@creativecoachingoptions.com ok.
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